
Another week that has disappeared more quickly than the previous one, and seemingly with only a small dent made in the list of things to be done. There is a load of exciting stuff happening right now, some of the team having run a stand at a conference in the Netherlands this week and attracted masses of interest, but I feel disengaged with it all through tiredness. I've been more than a bit disengaged with blipping too for the same reasons.

You honour with me such great banter and I rarely manage to acknowledge you in return. I'm sorry. I can tell you that the guys at Creative Breads were dead chuffed with your feedback and on my receipt today was printed one "Earthy Dreamer". Thank you Shearer69 for that. It's a name that might just stick! I couldn't barter for that hat for you today because the market was washed out. I'll try again next week.

On getting home late tonight I've just crashed in front of the TV to watch "Flight" with Denzil Washington. What a cracking good piece of film-making. We all thoroughly enjoyed it. Recommended.

I had virtually nothing in the camera today and was almost tempted to exercise even more bravado still than yesterday and blip the cat. But no, this works better as a metaphor for the abstract world in which I'm living at the moment. One image, rotated four times through a right angle and superimposed. What is this a picture of? I think it's quite hard but I'm betting someone will get it quite quickly. First correct answer will get their name in lights tomorrow!

Have a good weekend, and thanks for all the support this week. Without you the camera might never have made it out of my pocket!

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