Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli


The British Government, the British Civil Service, the BBC speak in TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) The BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) IS one. They're so used to calling the Criminal Investigation Department CID, the National Health Service NHS, the Ministry of Transport MoT and the Ministry of Justice MoJ that they assume everyone outside their bubble shares the same understanding. 
We don't!
If you live and work outside their bubble it's often quite hard to break their code.
I first discovered this in 1985 when I was trying to comprehend relationships between different BBC departments as I tried to prepare them to relocate from Oxford Street (London's greatest shopping street) to White City (a place where the main route from west of London intersects with the ring-road around it).
and yes, if you care to know, that is precisely why there is a Westfield shopping mall including a John Lewis department store in East Acton – BBC staff refused to relocate without a John Lewis.
I confess I loved today's TLA from Texas - Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly - I watched it live.
I just wish that rich boys would stop their silly games and start investing in saving the planet we share.
I think this wall has experienced a RUD

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