Planet man adventures

By rowanhagdorn


getting what you want. Attempted to go swimming today. Despite being able to buy a ticket no swimming. There is a huge cultural difference when asking for things between English and German. German is much more literal but in English the other dimensions of your question are considered. On attempting to buy a ticket you would be told that you couldn't swim at that time. In German it works in the opposite way. You have the ability to buy/do something. Being able to actually do the thing is a different question. I find this really difficult in German and struggle to be literal. Also started to learn about active and passive, the latter is often used in German. In English is sounds cold, formal and distant. We shared some favourite adverts with our class. My pick had to be Irn Bru.
The other one that I liked was this one
It's the J&B one from 2022.

I liked the mosaic with the name of the bridge. 

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