But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Oh No, Not Another Owl.

I'm running at four days late at the moment, since life has been a bit hectic it's a little difficult to stop the days fusing together but, I'll do my best to disentangle everything and make the postings reasonably intelligible and accurate. I do know that there will be a day's gap where I just did not get around to blipping. I also detect a little repetition creeping in.

This owl is one of two guardians of the gate, his partner has a blemish on one eye that I did not notice for two days and may have made a better picture; I did try to replicate it digitally but that didn't seem to work so I have left it untouched.

The Old Lady's evening carer came to visit her this evening (during working hours but, since we are paying her wages, that was ok). The company for TOL has always been a big part of the care plan and so there was a lot of nattering; we chatted about my old primary school, the games field of which is right outside TOL's window, and meandered on to a disabled lad I used to be pally with. The advantage of his friendship was that he couldn't play cricket, a game which I hate with a passion but, he could manage to kick a football, so a handful of us lads took off to the corner of the field during games lessons with a ball and some jerseys and played soccer (with a few innovative changes to the rules to make it inclusive). I mentioned his name and the carer said she knew him and he's alive and well living a few miles away.

I haven't seen him for nearly sixty years but have thought of him often, it might be interesting to meet up again.

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