Another day, another season

And so to Hillcrest High School where Ottawacker Jr.'s football practices are starting to take shape. Despite the incipient chill, he managed to survive being put through his paces by a new coach, 

Good news for me on the health front... well, if you believe my rheumatologist, that is. As you might recall, I have a rather fractious relationship with the man, but at least he followed through this time with his promise to get in touch with the radiologist. And, more importantly, he remembered he was the specialist. Having re-examined (or at least examined for the first time, the radiologist has now determined that the spinal fracture is probably historic, is much smaller than previously thought, and is no cause for concern.

Well thank you. I mean, don't get me wrong, I am very happy to know that parts of my body aren't necessarily going to crumble as I walk down the stairs, but I'd still have appreciated not having to worry about this for the past couple of weeks. Anyway, no harm done, and he apologised for the confusion caused last time around. "I was in a rush and hadn't read my notes properly," he said. It's amazing how a full and frank confession of the facts completely disarms me. 

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