Diverticulitis, day 4
The green styled sign M is for "Mehiläinen". There is both private and public healt care and doctors. Also private lab is there.
In the morning control CRP in Mehiläinen lab. CRP was getting down from 80, now 22, but not too fast and my stomach is still odd, so I had to see a doc too in the afternoon in the same address. Driving around too much today maybe. And I was not the sharpest pen in the case for sure.
On parking lot I tried to lock down the car - but had not turned off the engine yet. And I also lost my handbag once (hopefully I was at home, but did not know where it is with my purse and social security card etc...)
But I managed. Taking it easy in the evening at home. And I have to say that I am beginning to be a bit fed up for all these soups that I have to eat...
+16c sunny and still quite dusty. Cleaning men everywhere with this kind of had broushes or with bigger machines. This guy worked without a mask. I wonder when he is patient in Mehiläinen too, with lung problems.
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