Meet Kai

Renovation of Thermal Element

Day 13

The weather today has been tumultuous. Grey, windy, torrential rain and soo so cold.


The lads started work at 08.00 on the dot. They never flinched, or complained. They cheerily carried on from where they left off yesterday.

And at 15.30 they finished. The whole thing. Done and dusted 


In precisely three weeks they have stripped off all the old and crumbling tiles, ripped off all the rotten lath and the dusty musty felt. They have repaired wet and rotten timbers, repaired and stabilised the stove flue. Repaired and replaced old lead flashing, relaid over four tons of new tiles with all fixings and finished off with 'dry verge edging'

A brilliant and impressive undertaking. An amazing job. 

We did not anticipate renovating the roof when we bought the bungalow in September. But it needed doing so we did it. Epic. 

And we are glad we did it and we are very glad it is done. 

Peace of mind.

In my blip is little Kai, a neighbour's gorgeous Cockerpoo.

In the extras are evening sunlight picking out blackthorn blossom up the lane, and a final shot of today's completed section of roof. 


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