Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly


Ok so I know the results haven't been officially published and I know that they say these maybe subject to change but I had to have a little sneak peak so (for the moment) woooohooooo

I also think that my comment was fair as I knew the composition was a little off but I didn't have time to go out on another shoot before submission.

So this is pushing me to take my camera out of auto and I am learning stuff, though some of the course does have elements that I just can't do on my bridge camera but does mean that if I can ever afford a growed up camera I have more of an understanding of what I am looking for.

Ummmm maybe I will just ask for money towards a camera for birthday and Christmas for the next few years. I have to say that despite the frankly rubbish iPad, it's late in the day and I need a blip offerings I have been doing I do actually feel more inspired to go out with the big camera and try things out. Umm what I need is one of those card readers for my iPad so I have the ease of blipping but the focus to use my big girls camera. Or maybe I should push myself more to find out what this camera can really do!

Oh well it's a Saturday, it's creeping towards lunch time and I am still faffing about in bed on laptop and iPad. Sometimes I think technology is just too much of a distraction, I really need to focus and 'unplugged' days.

Happy sunny Saturday x

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