Blossoms at the mausoleum

P had the idea of going to see Dungeons and Dragons at the cinema tonight, so we had a cheeky Nandos beforehand then a wander round the park before it started.  The blossom was looking very pretty in the pary, though not yet quite at its best.

Busy day today, had a guy come round to give us a quote for some underfloor insulation.  Seemed like a really good chap, but unfortunatley there's not enough space under the house to do it from below so he'll need to take the floorboards up.  Luckily we should be eligible for a grant which will cover half the costs so that's a job for the weekend.  Also had a trip to the opiticans where I was delighted to learn that eye tests are also free in Scotland.  Plus a small girl I passed on the walk home waved to me and told me that I was very pretty which is really something I don't hear every day! She was very sweet and put a smile on my face.

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