More Precious than Diamonds

Can't tell you how wonderful it was to wake to raindrops on everything, these are yucca buds. It has been extremely hot and dry for April and will be going back to that for the forseeable future, temperatures over 30C in the daytime. 

Earth Day. Hmmm. What to say? Doing our bit on the bit we've been given to care for, planting as many trees as we can water.

On the news, Lula arriving in Lisbon.

- making it to the market, first time in ages
- Rodrigo giving us a lamb, now mostly in the freezer
- unexpected dinner out in Safara with Mireille and Dan, then arriving back to hang the wash out in the dark, Venus and the new moon shining bright just above the horizon, the Great Bear, upside-down high above me, and Orion fast sinking in the southwest...

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