The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Up to my oxters*

... in information and things I'm supposed to be doing or remembering! Thank goodness it's half term, and none of the things matter greatly. A friend came round for coffee and gave me a Trivial Pursuit game. Now I can't find anyone to play it (except, possibly, online) but never mind, my brother phoned from Greece and I volunteered to go down to the farmer's market to get some info for him. When I got there and had sorted out his errand, I met a friend who was selling second hand saris outside another friend's shop. The only thing that was selling was tweed jackets. A young man came along and found a DKNY jacket among the tweed! He really, really wanted it, so badly that he was prepared to keep coming back as we tried to phone the owner of the shop for a price, as it didn't have one, and the owner was in Cornwall.

I left and did some shopping, but came back to find that they'd finally priced it, and witnessed the hand over. He looked so chuffed, and it was a perfect fit. The dresses pictured here are Joy's (the owner's) stock, recently made out of vintage 1950s/60s material. After failing to persuade my friend to come and play that board game, I went home, and am now wondering why we did not go and see the Tall Ships in Gloucester today! We thought that tomorrow would be warmer, that's why, but today has turned out delightful, and the blossom is still perfuming the air, while little birds sing, and pigeons continue to sh* t on our newly scrubbed patio!

In a minute, I'll go down to the cabin with my audiobook (Jamaica Inn by Daphne du Maurier) and a plate of cheese and oatcakes. As I had to research dairy farming in the market, I succumbed to some delicious "Three Virgins" Cheshire-style cheese from the impeccable, incredible world-class cheesemakers, Godsell's artisan cheeses.
One day I'll stop writing about cheese. Just not today.

This is the first time I have ever managed to find something to fit in the sewing and knitting group. Don't stop me now...

* oxters = armpits (Scots)

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