
My phone was central to life today. I had to have it switched off during church in the morning. But then I had it on to get the emergency alert at 3pm.

I was all geared up to photographing the alarm on my phone: hopefully a one-off event to capture.

First of all my alert arrived early as I was switching on the camera. Second, it lasted for 3 at most 4 seconds. Third, I was not aware of any text alert appearing and by the time I looked at the phone it had reverted to the normal screen. So my aim of avoiding another flower/ garden photo was thwarted.

I was aware of the distinctive alarm but if it had not been a test I would have had no idea why the alarm went off.

Later in the afternoon a phone call gave me the sad news that a friend I’ve known for decades died on Monday. He was 80 and had recently had an operation but his death was unexpected and shocking.

The photo is a view from Braid Avenue looking towards the castle, just round the corner from where I grew up.

Unfortunately it was another cold grey day so the full effect of the cherry blossom is muted. The display in the Meadows is slowly starting but it will need a bit more warmth if it is to bring it out in the next few days. And that does not seem to be on the cards this coming week.

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