Rainy Pear Blossoms

The old pear tree looks splendid this spring, I couldn't resist stepping out for a shot. This tree has been a favorite of mine since childhood. It's popular with the birds and little beasties too.

We had a busy weekend outside and inside. Our winter pile of collected sticks, branches and the Christmas tree went up in smoke yesterday. We are allowed outdoor brush burning, wind and fire conditions pending from January until the 1st of May. The weather was perfect yesterday, no wind with heavy rain on the way. Today was rainy all day and we purged clothing we hated to part with, but hadn't worn in years. Off we went to Savers where they resell donated items, another job well done. The inside and outside jobs are always in progress, but we made a good dent this weekend.

For the Record,
This day came in with dark clouds and rain.

All hands watching for the hummingbirds

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