Capital adventures

By marchmont


Another very cold, damp and dank day today. Feels more like mid December than late April.

I finished a couple of tasks from yesterday: tickets for ballet and sorting  the August spa day with E. Spoke to the girls. Amelia had something to tell me/confess: her new Barbie, bought for her birthday last month, got buried in the sand at Port Dickson, and lost. Poor Barbie.

The theme that ran through the day was a family history task, a quick job that I turned into a marathon. There was also some messaging to and fro with friends and family about house moves, Dons v Rangers and the fact I'm one of the 10m who did not get the test phone alert. So disappointed!.

I used the rest of 2021's rhubarb, crumble and macerating for rhubarb and ginger gin.

Ended the day with more Astrid. Still cold outside and frost forecast. Brrr!

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