tempus fugit

By ceridwen

Enuretic meadow

An ocean of pissabeds. There must be a lot of very happy bees around.

I'm sorry the old name has dropped out of use in Britain (but not in France where dandelions are still referred to as pissenlits.)

Bees make honey from dandelion nectar  but bee keepers usually leave it in the hive as an early food source.

People can also make "dandelion honey"  by boiling the flowers with sugar.  
I wage a constant battle in foraging circles to call this stuff dandelion syrup so as to give credit to  bees as the sole producers of actual dandelion honey. (I've now been silenced and am not allowed to comment  any more.)

Dandelion syrup is a boon for vegans who avoid animal products. It's just not honey. 


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