Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Monday... my legs were working, but everything else was in pending mood... I got to work and I was shown what to do and my brain was just pending.... receiving information... processing...processing... I saw and I read, but the understanding wasn't really there. I was so tired! :D My Kurdish co-worker said Anna, how are you? But in Kurdish and brain was ...processing...language... processing... and finally I told her 'the response'. Another co-worker asked if I wanted help to get those trays for 24 post we were using, replanting these little plants. I said yes, and offered to give her help with choosing 'plant of the week'. Down the winding stairs we went, found the trays but no pots, and went upstairs again. Then my co-worker says, wait... wasn't it the 24 pot tray you should have? Yes... Sorry! I showed you the wrong one! Down the winding stairs we went, and to the place where the trays are. Then I started to count the 'pots holes' and it was 24... giggles and laughters, and up we went again with the same trays. :D Well, I'll be feeling those stairs tomorrow, but I can count this as a work out for the day. :D
On the break I assumed my teachers roll, and wrote down a word for a tool my Kurdish co-worker and I had used last week . I told her the wrong word then, and so I wanted to correct myself when I'd learned the correct one. First I asked one of the bosses that were there in the break room, if it was ok to use the white board, and it was. I wrote the word and drew a picture. I got asked why I didn't know this word before and explained that different kinds of work places have different kinds of tools with special kinds of names. I also told her and the other co-worker, that even if I'd worked as a teacher in Swedish, I wasn't their teacher now. They already had teachers. And, I hope they understand... too many cooks in the kitchen will make a real mess, so to speak...

But, as you see in the photo, this was my chore today. :) And, also putting two cuttings from my geranium plants in soil, with a name tag. Since the two mother plants had died in the greenhouse, fingers crossed these two will thrive and give cuttings in the future.
To my delight, I had no trouble at all to lift a new 50 kilo sack of soil and carry it to my work table. That's a great sign that my body is recuperating. :)

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