Lire en français

The book in the centre was an old reading book my mother probably started to read with at home before she went to school.  The rest of the books are french authors I love!  

Le Petit Prince - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry has to be my number 1
Oscar et la dame Rose - Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt
Bernard Weber A more science fiction type author - love all his books.
Prévert - possibly my favourite poet!  I always used the poem 'Déjeuner du matin' to teach the perfect tense in French!
Henri Troyat another author I love.  He was born in Moscow and writes a lot about Russia.  Youri is a young boy who flees Russia at the time of the downfall of the tzar. His journey to leave Russia.
Nicole de Buron - for light relief!!

There are many more I love but no room for today!  My contribution for 'all things French'  Many thanks to  Jensphotos for hosting this month of April with such interesting challenges!

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