April 24

Another cardinal photo. He made a quick stop on my deck this morning before I put the feeders out and he spent some time there this afternoon. Either the squirrel or the gold finches must have tossed some seed out of the feeder and the cardinal was cleaning it up.
A busy day. I had the first appointment for a design job tonight, and it is a half hour drive from me, so an hour travelling. The property has a lot of potential, but the growing conditions are difficult. Lots of wind and it is on an inlet from the ocean, so plants need to be tolerant of the salt spray too. They also have deer and various other critters that like to eat plants. They have tried various plants over the years, a few worked well, others didn't. They have lost a lot of mature trees in the past 20 years from wind storms. They decided it was time to get some advice and develop a plan for the property.

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