Impoftheyard's photos

By impoftheyard

City Park

This image is of the the entrance to City Park Business Park in Glasgow. It's not far from my local supermarket which is where I headed on my bike this afternoon. it's hard to get much choice of shots if you're cycling so I had few to choose from. I think the sculptures may have been blipped before - possibly by Balthazar who has certainly blipped others which I think are by the same artist. I'm afraid I don't know the artist's name and I suppose I didn't remember it as I'm not all that keen on these particular examples of his work.

I have really been enjoying Stuff's journal and the mimimalist feel and overexposure in many of the pictures so I have been playing with that a little. this image wasn't all that suited to it but I did dodge and burn in a few places. I like the colour of the woman's skirt.

It's been a funny old day. I was pretty cheerful when I woke and then my mood took a nose dive in the afternoon for no good reason. Getting out on the bike has helped get me back on track though. It has been another gloriously sunny day here but a lot cooler - which suits me well.

Well blippers, we're over half-way through the week. Have a good Wednesday!

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