Beautiful blue bells this morning during a break in the rain. Unfortunately rain came this afternoon.

We had a hay delivery to stack early doors after walking the pups. Unfortunately Mike and Tobes away and too heavy for Eva so had to do it all. 

Got Jack in ready for his lesson with Ruth this afternoon. Eva worked on canter poles with the aim of slowing him down.

I had a lesson after. I worked on jumping position. Explained the difficulty I was having with my swingy lower leg when jumping. Ended up with my stirrups 5 holes shorter! Seemed to help. We just worked over poles instead of jumps as with all the rain the school was a bit flooded and squelchy. 

Mike and Tobes were back when we got home. Toby was really chatty and told me in great detail all about his weekend which was nice (normally he communicates in a series of grunts!) I even got a hug. 

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