Day 2 at sea

Bit of a late start with a quick breakfast in the buffet before we headed down to the pub for the progressive quiz. 11/20 today for our history knowledge plus bonus points for my wee hats which the ladies initially thought were microphone covers.

Decided to sit in the bar at the very top and front of the ship but it was hot and the swell was too much for me so we headed back downstairs and midship.

Quickish lunch before wine tasting. A bargain 5 choices for a tenner, 2 whites, 2 reds and a sparkling cremant. It ran over the hour so I was late to choir, naughty me. Learnt Lovely day today where in one chorus we need to hold the note for at least a minute.

Wandered round the ship looking for victims, I mean officers, willing to let me take selfies with them as each one is worth a bonus 10 points. Managed to corner the captain who said we should get extra points for him!

Teatime teaser gets ever more difficult, 3/20 today. I’d opted for a bingo ticket today and won the first game. As two of us called on the same number our winnings came to £13.05 each.

Tried the tapas area of the buffet for dinner and it was nice, if a little on the small side. Pudding was definitely not creme catalana but the chocolate mousse was divine.

A quick drink in the bar and into the show lounge for THE best show we’ve seen this trip - Revive. The cast put so much energy into their performances and the singing tonight was top notch.

Watched the Liars game where 4 panellists attempted to convince us that their definition of a word was the correct one. Much hilarity all round and we only guessed one right.

Officer selfie tally by the time I headed for bed is 8.

The cabin stewards leave us a towel animal every couple of days, this was tonight’s effort.

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