Little flowers

2021 my friend died and I went “off my nut.” Mambo suggested I take a bit of a plant to remember her by. Kate advised me on which one. It lived! This is a brunnera. It puts out cute teeny little flowers that look like forget-me-nots. 

In the extra is an even smaller flower. If your Irish Moss is happy it will briefly put out teenier little white flowers.

The church that my grandparents attended burned down, this morning or yesterday. The church was dying. It could no longer support a pastor and eventually would have had no congregants. The church was located in the middle of nowhere. You had to drive a very long way to get there, there were no homes nearby. I’m surprised and I’m sad, but I guess it is just memories, not a tragedy. 

As a Lutheran church for Danish immigrants it had a model of a boat hanging from the ceiling. 

In the back was a wooden plaque with the names of men who died in WWII. My grandfather’s name was on it. 

Just memories.

One of the Russian television stations offered Tucker Carlson a job. I am not making that up.

There is a fundraising campaign called “Army of Drones.” With celebrity help, including Star Wars Mark Hamill, it has raised over $108 million. The money is increasing Ukraine’s production of drones. The government has relaxed import laws and dropped taxes for drone parts and equipment.

Today Russia's state news agency said three drones, with cameras, were found in different areas of the Moscow region, including not far from a drone that was found with explosives in the Bogorodskoye. Meanwhile, a Ukrainian official posted on Telegram a bird's-eye video of Moscow's Red Square. Uh huh. 


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