Fibre Roadworks
Busy day today and didn’t and didn’t get to play with my new toy. However I did get this pano of the roadworks at the bottom of our road using the new phone that I don't want.
The inbound traffic from the A15 was held up for quarter of an hour coming back from the butchers this afternoon. Three way traffic lights (at the bottom of our road) and all at red while they played with their big bucket grab on their biggest lorry blocking everything up! We were not pleased. All calm now and being short of a blip I thought “This is wide” and did a pano for WidWed. I suppose there are a few old buildings in view so it nearly fits the theme. Behind me really fits the bill. Behind a tall wall is the old vicarage where Michael Palin and the Ripping(ale) Yarns crew filmed "The Curse of the Claw"
Telephone consultation with my doctor this morning – face to face again next week. That horrible taste in my mouth hangs on.
Most of the rest of the day was taken up with the new mobile I don’t want. Some apps just don’t want to work. That and the butchers and stowing six weeks meat in the freezers.
Bit of sirloin steak for tea tonight.
Hopefully catching up with comments soon.
Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting WidWed
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