
By momcat1

white throated sparrow

had about 4 of these hanging around all winter, but have only seen this one recently. he has spruced up his colors for spring. 
the woodcocks were back this spring at the end of march and quickly paired up , they were not calling for more than a week this year, I suspect they are either nesting in the neighbors back yard or flew off to nest somewhere else since the owner cut down most of the hedgerow that separated our yard and his. we would like to buy the property as it is for sale (but wayyy overpriced) but have run into a few snags. the owner doesn't want to drop the price , there is an employee of his staying there who is now effectively squatting  , and who won't leave and won't let our realtor in to look at the house. amazing. I really want it for the woodcocks and the wildlife , i'd like to make it a wildflower meadow in the back half of the property. the owner wanted to put a small business or gas station there , but by the sounds of things won't be able to due to the town zoning codes and some of the towns future plans. still pending:)

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