
She is very trying when I am trying to get a candid picture of her these days ..... she never stops moving (or talking).

I have been trying a new way of converting shots to mono (I haven't managed to transfer the software for my usual method .... yet). It is still a 'work in progress' ( see the comparison between this and this).

I tried going for an early shop .... and failed. I had dropped my car key in the hall before leaving the house and hadn't noticed that the token for putting into the trolley had fallen out, so when I got to the shop I couldn't get a trolley and so I had to head home.
However, it turned out SWMBO was wanting to go to McArthur Glen to see if there was anything in the 20% discounts sales. She got nothing but I was able to use what was left on a couple of gift vouchers - so we went into the posh sweet shop and she got some to commiserate and I got some to celebrate .... and the lady behind the counter gave us a bag of extras as SWMBO had sufficient 'stamps' on her loyalty card.

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