Horrible weather and everyone is ill..............

This morning I went along the beach for my walk and I got absolutely soaked. It was horrible.....................

Ann was supposed to be meeting a friend for lunch today, but friend has had a very bad reaction to her latest Covid jab, so couldn't come out to play.

No worries.................. After my walk, Ann busied herself writing her book, 'My life in lockdown'. Yes, this finally feels like it might happen now, because she's in a bit of a 'book writing routine' and a Zumba routine and writes for a couple of hours every day.

Then she got a text from a friend who she was supposed to be meeting for lunch tomorrow. Friend can't come out to play because she has COVID. Booohooo!

The rain stopped so I went out for my afternoon walk. After 10 mins the rain started again. It's the end of April for goodness sake. Last year at this time, we'd been in Cornwall for about a month and Ann was looking very tanned and gorgeous. She certainly isn't looking very tanned and gorgeous at the moment. She's looking like a soggy mess!

Just had a phone call from friends that were supposed to be coming for dinner on Saturday. They have COVID.

Ann feels like she's going to be 'Billynomates' for the rest of her life.

Also, just heard this week, that a friends brother has Lung Cancer and another friend has Ovarian Cancer. Both only in their 50s and 60s. Life just seems to be full of doom & gloom at the moment.

And this weather is definitely not helping. This morning we had to have all the heating and lights on because it was so cold and wet.

Also, for the last few days, I've been wolfing down all my breakfast and dinner. And then I ask for more. Ann thinks it's because it's so cold and wet. What do you think Blippers? When I seem really hungry, Ann usually gives me a carrot to munch on.

Ann really, really, really, wishes Mr Sunshine would come out to play.

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