
By SilverImages

Grosmont Castle

“Map out your future - but do it in pencil. The road ahead is as long as you make it. Make it worth the trip.”
Jon Bon Jovi
Warm sunshine and blue skies so after an hour or so reading I went
In search of a photo for the day. Originally planning to stay local I ended up wandering off to St James Church at Llangua, but since it’s still closed to public access inside it didn’t make the photo selection. After a brief foray across the border I returned to Grosmont for a wander around the castle. I suppose being in this part of the world makes me a bit blasé about having twelfth century castles on the doorstep, so many to choose from. This one is small but interesting, with a chequered history from its’ beginnings as an earth and timber stronghold, later replaced by a chunky stone structure to keep us rebellious Welsh at bay - including a fifteenth century siege by Owain Glyndwr. Quiet today, only one other visitor while I was there and he wasn’t laying siege to the place.
Fortunately thirteenth century St Nick’s church was open so I found a place for my meditation, it’s biiig inside for such a small place, reflecting its’ importance at the time it was built.
And no visit would be complete without a quick visit to the pub for a coffee and snack. Sat outside to watch the world go by for a short while (not much world going by at this time of year) before packing up to return home.

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