Bearded Iris V3

We woke up to the expected storm, heavy rain and sporadic wind. Decided to run out and grab this photo before my bloom was ruined. I only have one of these plants. Fed the birds since I was already wet. We have so many varieties these days. The chicken breast was thawed so I made chicken salad for my weekend lunches. The house was in good order except for a few dishes in the kitchen. Millie and I settled on the couch with my Kindle. Hubby’s tent has standing water and everything inside it is wet. He and his friend Bobby had to sleep in their cars last night. That may be the plan until their sleeping bags are usable but I think rain is predicted for each day. I think they are silly not to use our perfectly good camper but for them, it’s tradition to camp in tents. Nothing about sleeping on the wet ground appeals to me. Just too dang old and decrepit. Speaking of, I will be missing Parker’s last home lacrosse game this afternoon. Just cannot bring myself to go sit out in the cold rain for that long. They only have open bleachers with no roof. His coach tried to move the game to yesterday but for some reason, the other coach did not agree to do it. It’s a shame because it is our team’s senior night. Hope things are drier at your end. Have a lovely weekend. Tomorrow is supposed to be clear but the rain comes back on Sunday. Thanks for visiting. Stay safe. Word from Ukraine yesterday sounded terrible. Those poor people. “Every storm passes, just like the iris that withstands the winds and rain.” -

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