A Lucky Girl

It’s a lucky girl who gets a box of biscuits like this for Easter. My niece sent it from Fort William and it looks so pretty and the biscuits such a work of art that I have managed until now to delay the opening but  I couldn’t wait any longer. I can affirm that the biscuits are delicious but I am  restricting  myself to just one a day as it feels like sacrilege to destroy something so perfect.

My extra is a picture taken from the door as I opened the blinds this morning. Thank goodness for the pink of the cherry blossom to cheer up yet another cold damp day. Is there no end to this gloom? I ventured into town for some shopping and a  coffee with a neighbour, walking home through a drizzle and a feel like temperature of 3°.
The heating is on and I can’t bear the thought of going out again. 
Welcome to the English Bank Holiday weekend  and to the hordes of cold, shivering tourists stravaiging  up to the castle and down the Royal Mile under umbrellas and raincoats.

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