Hoy Kirk Re-Opens

As a peedie baby* the Current Mrs Creel was weighed by the Hoy District Nurse in the basket on the scales.  She can't mind it on.  Meantime the interior wall she is facing was totally picked down (original plaster and lath) and recovered with inulating material.  The contractor did an excellent job and the Friends of the Hoy Kirk are v happy to put further projects his way.  The FoHK is also blessed by the very high quality services of our Heritage Officer.  She exudes integrity and inspiratio and delivers such good quality work.

A willow warbler has taken up residence (temporary?) in the bolt hole willows.  It's calling incessantly.  We went along to CMC'S brother and wife for an island update.  I became scunnered with an extension reel and Euan showed us his new pond.

You see, this is what happens.  I throw open my Blip to a guest editor and things become mundane and comprehensible.   Never a mention of CMC's adjustable grinder, Derek Guyler, 1923 Dounby Riots or even our previous meeting with Hermoine.  It was years ago in a Dunoon tearoom. She claimed to have committed adultery with Salvador Dali,  it seemed a bit tendentious.

*tautology warning

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