Picture Consequences

By consequences

Got the edge

I turned to see Lewis holding Kate by the arm with one hand, her own hands forced together with a plastic cable tie.

In his other hand he held - lightly, almost casually - a vicious-looking knife.

"Ah, Mr Mackie. So delighted you could drop by. I'd say it was a pleasant surprise, but quite frankly it wasn't: we saw you coming a mile off." Lewis was practically smirking, he was so pleased with himself. It was clear he hadn't become any less inclined to be a twat since I'd last seen him.

Jen spoke up. "Mark? Um, is the knife really necessary?"

In spite of the fact he was holding what looked like a razor-sharp blade inches from the face of a defenceless woman, Lewis maintained his charming (or smarmy, depending on your point of view) tone of voice.

"Well, Jenny. Here's the thing; we know that these are both dangerous individuals. We also know your boyfriend, it seems, can't be hurt.

"If you'll forgive me, it seems he's rather fond of Ms Wilson here. Sorry to bring that up, but she is the only real leverage we have. I hope you see, therefore, why this is necessary. If this is what it takes to get Mr Mackie's attention, then so be it, I'm afraid."

I looked at Kate, who was trembling. Fear, fury or both made her look down at the floor, although her eyes seemed to be darting around, unable to settle on one spot.

"Kate," I said softly. "Are you alright? Has he hurt you?" Her eyes briefly met mine and she gave a tiny nod followed by the slightest shake of her head, before she went back to looking at the floor. I could sense Jen's discomfort, but at that point I didn't care.

I looked at Lewis. "OK then, Mr ... Lewis. What exactly do you want from me?"

Story begins here.

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