What phones in cameras are for

It was a day, (or at least a few, gentle, hours,) of collecting solar lights from the yards, giving them a wipe over,  and re-installing the batteries.

And that is preciely what camera phones are for. I couldn't for the life of me see what the letters said by the battery switch, but a quick pic with my phone soon sorted that out.
The rest of the afternoon was spent taking advantage of a promotional email we got from the hotel chain that we usually go to. It saved us enough to pay for one of the air fares.
And while we were on the phone with their call centre, the boss almost brow beat the agent into giving us an even bigger discount on the holiday that we had already booked a couple of months ago. 
So that's October and December looked after.
Jeez, it's a long time till October.

(And did the title make you look twice? ;-))

Ah well...

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