
By 8am we had rescued ten ducklings from the murderous intentions of the crows and magpies and reunited them with Mum who was desperately fighting off the drakes who didn't know whether they wanted to shag her or eat her offspring first. Nature hey?

At least this one didn't also have to suffer the indignity of being carried around in the whippets mouth, she's very gentle with them whenever she gets to one before we can stop her but they do end up covered in whippet spit which must be a bit of a shock.

They are all back in the river now so we can only let nature take its course and be vigilant in case there are any other nests hidden in the garden.

After all that excitement I thought I may as well head out on the bike for a run and now it's time to make Joe his pre-match scrambled eggs before his tournament.

Day of rest??

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