
By Houseonahill6

April rainbow

Mike sold one of his electrical gadgets online so we went over to North Kessock to meet the person half way as they were from Inverness.
Had a drive next to the Beauly Firth and although it was grey it was still beautiful with flat calm water and the gorse in bloom.
A handsome heron stood it’s ground as a curfew of curlews flew over.
We stopped at Redcastle and noticed there was a plant sale to raise many for the gardens. So we walked up the road and bought some jam , an aquilegia , mini cyclamen and some honesty. Every year I keep meaning to plant the seeds my Mum gave me and keep forgetting so at least I have some honesty seedlings now.
Watched the snooker again, although we were just keeping an eye on it, 35 frames is a lot. We did see Mark Selby score a maximum break in frame 16, the first ever in a world championship final.
The sun came out eventually although I could still see rain falling the other side of the Firth making this wonderful Rainbow :)

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