Happy May Day!
We 'celebrated' the sunshine by doing a good prune of our forsythia so that it flowers well without getting too enormous next spring, followed by some much-needed weeding. We filled the garden bin and a huge bag besides, so after lunch it was a quick trip up to the loft to grab a few unwanted cardboard boxes* and then up to the tip.
Following that, we took a trip to Horningsham Woods to see the bluebells. Naturally, as soon as we got out of the car, the sun vanished behind a cloud! Undeterred, we still had a careful** wander around the woods to look at the bluebells & other wild flowers. Such flat light though so we only stayed about half an hour. Five minutes after we left, the sun came back out again!

* we have an excellent doorstep recycling collection but they prefer not to have too much cardboard at once as it means driving a lorry back to the depot with most of the compartments empty.
** if you step on a bluebell, it's unlikely to flower the following year (assuming it survives at all). Please spare a few minutes to read this post about how easy it is to damage these and other wild flowers https://www.forgottenlittlecreatures.com/post/is-it-so-hard-to-be-a-responsible-photographer?

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