
By Cully

Check out my teeth!

Taking full advantage of the great british weather me, and my four amigos minus one, who left us for a trip to Marbella, plus the two little amigos, plus Lee (the other half of an amigo), heading to Sunny Himley Hall for a spot of dragon racing.

My friend who suggested it, told me they were real dragons although they can't breath fire with health and safety regulations and all that. So I was very disappointed to find they were just boats.

Anyway a nice day was had by all, ice creams were eaten, gossip exchanged and Mickey balloon purchased for this little fella (although he would have preferred a Minnie but his dad wouldn't have approved). Granted a bottle or two of Bulmers would have gone down a treat but that was lack of preparation on my part. We must do it more often, but lets take a picnic next time we go to an event without a bar!

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