Vigo to Redondela (16km)

A shorter walk today thankfully as despite exercises and painkillers, my calves were still giving me gyp! Still sunny but shadier route.
We found our way out of Vigo pretty quickly and then met up with some people we’d met previously. We’ve formed a merry little band now of mixed nationalities and the good news is that one of them is a masseuse! The camaraderie among pilgrims is the best thing about the Camino. Drinks to celebrate when we got to Redondela and then I elevated and put ice on my calves and rested in our hotel in the afternoon. A group of us went out to a local restaurant for a meal in the evening. We had lots of tapas and wine and it was only €7 euros a head! Probably our last al fresco meal as the weather is due to change tomorrow.

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