Double trouble

Actually of course no trouble and an absolutely delightful evening babysitting Ivy and Leo. I arrived there around 6.30 to find Ivy scooting around and showing me her ‘downward dog’ from Baby Yoga.  She soon conked out and they went out to the Barbican for a film and tacos and I was left i/c the 10pm feed. Curiously nerve wracking!  Other than that I did emails, a US call and watched another episode of the truly excellent Blue Lights.  Unbelievably tense episode with a shocking conclusion that unfortunately my friend Lisa had already told me about - ‘well of course ‘X’ doesn’t make the end credits’. It had the effect of lessening the shock but actually upping the dread. 

Other than that it was a busy day in the office. I also had lunch with Kathy who was hugely entertaining and went off to do a live interview in the middle of the meal.  She thought she could do it from the table but I said Soho House would kick us out!  Our Head of Development was agog! 

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