Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

The babymobile

After a hideous car shopping trip to Cardiff yesterday (the car salesman was a right pushy slime ball). We went back to the Toyota garage in Swansea and had a second look around.

And ended up with this little beauty (to be picked up next week sometime)
Got just shy of £4500 for my car so Mr L only has to loan me another £4000 and a bit. I say loan I've told him I'll look after his children for free and it's back pay for all the cooking and cleaning I do and have done in the past for him lol

So it's bye bye to my beloved Mini :-( she has served me well

22 weeks today bump pic will be tomorrow's blip and after last bank holidays accident think I will stay in all day and not move still scabby and bruised from it.

Hope everyone has had a good weekend and has made the most of the sun (looks like rain tomorrow)

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