It's out!
The rhododendron
is finally out. Hooray!
It must be Spring now!
After such a grotty spring so far, it feels weird for the flowers to be in full flow already. Our rhododendron always comes out a few weeks after one down the road, so I've been watching theirs and waiting (im)patiently. It's all good fun. But it's nice to take the chance to have the proper camera out.
Other than rhododendrons, I've had a couple of nice walks today. The weather was lovely so I took Leo to the woods and we did a lovely loop, I kept him off lead the entire way and let him interact with other dogs (asking owners first) I was really pleased with him. He was sociable but not too jumpy, he waited for me to say it was OK before he went over and came back when I asked. Boom. I know I'm counting my chickens before they've hatched and there's still a long way to go but it's a solid start, so that's enough for now.
I had to fetch Ben early because we had his diabetes check up. I hate these appointments, they are a faff and involve so many moving parts. It's the same hospital as yesterday, so first and foremost parking is a disaster. Ben was getting really cross but we did eventually find a spot and got chatting to a woman who was trying to park a big van, it was funny because when we got into the waiting room she was there with her son too. Ben was happy to say hello. The nurses love him at these appointments as he is so outgoing and chatty but I get so stressed that he's going to get overdone and lose it. Today it was fine, they had us in and out quite quickly and he was even able to take the messing about with the car park ticket machine in his stride. The big news is that they are relaeasing a new Omnipod Insulin Pump that communicates with the Dexcom CGM and basically adjusts insulin delivery automatically to manage blood sugars throughout the day. It's so incredibly clever, we've been waiting for it for about 3 years but apparently it really is going to happen around July this year. It's been out in the US for a while but the UK is a bit behind. Anyway, I'm waffling. Haddock for tea. And Leo is eating a slipper :-/
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