
The car finally made its way home this morning…absolutely covered in seagull shpoop!! After a food shop plus trip to the garden centre this morning and a spot of lunch I decided I’d better wash it before doing a bit of gardening. Plant pots all watered out the front and a new one filled with compost ready to use. The weather was gorgeous around midday but cooled quite quickly this afternoon,

G arrived early for tea having finished work early to buy himself some shoes for a wedding at the weekend. He was just in time to carry the full compost bag round the back for me then lift a hand made bench I’d shifted upright again. I couldn’t understand why it had been so heavy but realised either end had lift up lids (beneath artificial grass seats) and the spaces beneath were still full of someone else’s crap…it’s much lighter now!

G didn’t stay long after tea as he needed to organise his van for a trip to Ireland which is where the wedding is…his girlfriend is a bridesmaid to her best friend from school. They’re staying for a few days after to tour the west coast. 

A quick walk this evening to blip the local church and enjoy some fresh air and exercise on the prom.

Thanks to BobsBlips for hosting Wide Wednesday.

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