Peace Lily

Quite appropriate as it has been a busy, but peaceful day.
Boys this morning, took them to school and then stopped off on the way home to post a small parcel off to Cyprus for Julia.
Back home and off again to take F.M.i.L. to her day care at the Kimbrose Club. They seem to get on really well there and the staff just love Betty. When I picked her up, later in the afternoon, they were telling me how she is a staunch supporter of Scottish independence, fervently apparently. Apart from that she does make them laugh, they said, so she obviously enjoys being there. 
Off to the garden section outside Morrisons supermarket. They have some really good plants, flowers, bushes etc. and discounts if you have a Morrisons 'more' card. The tomato plants were very small so we went on to Homebase and bought tomato and French bean plants and some flower plants to put into the back garden and some plants to go into the graves.
Next stop was the cemetery where we polished the headstones and sorted out the ravages that the severe temperatures of winter had caused, and planted Pinks and Campanula.
Back home, unloaded the tools and flowers from the car boot, watered the plants and sat with a cup of tea!
Not a bad day really, it flew by.

Oh, and the Peace Lily? It's in the utility room toilet. Very little sun but light through the window, and it's cool. Seems to suit the Peace Lily.

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