Welcome to my world...

By KatJ

Up on the roof

Hubby decided to repaint the wood bit around the dormer roof. I'd quite like him to paint my hall and landings as that's the bit I can SEE needs repainting as can any visitors to the house. Don't particularly like him up there either. Makes me uneasy.

Pretty busy day. Started with a 7 mile walk with 2 of my Moon Walk buddies, then off for a test drive as we are thinking about getting a new car. Stopped off on the way back to buy Becca some new sandals as its finally warm enough to wear them! This afternoon I've washed and re packed the PE kits and ironed all the school uniform ready for after half term (#feelingsmug!)

We'll shortly be firing up our new barbecue and I'm sure I'll be making up a jug of something summery ;-)

Happy Bank holiday!

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