
I was in the office today.  I had booked the desk I like to sit at – but eh IT wasn’t working.  I couldn’t work out what was wrong, but I think something has been unplugged.  It’s just so annoying.  Why do people do that.  There was no one around to check it out, so I moved desk.  That meant I had to move away from the radiator, which wasn’t great as the office was freezing.  I have been cold all day.
I did have to pop out at lunchtime to do an errand.  I was glad to get out of the cold office and to warm up a bit.  My afternoon was spent in catch up meetings.  I just made it to the bus stop in time to catch my bus home, and guess what the bus was freezing.  So cold that I had to put my gloves on.  Tomorrow I need to go back to my winter coat and more layers!
I went for a walk around the block this evening, and was dressed or winter.
There has been lots of revision going on this evening (hopefully all day).  Exam stress has really hit.  I have thought it was Monday all day, so have been  very confused.
I walked past this lovely blossom tree on an Edinburgh back street at lunchtime.  It’s a pity it was another grey day, as it would look lovely against a blue sky.

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