Flowers and rabbits
The vegetable plot becomes such a preoccupation for me in late spring that the daily dog walk gets abbreviated and relegated to the late afternoon. I have half a dozen or so regular routes starting from home.
Today we returned to the path that winds through brambles and blackthorn bushes below the nearest coastal hillock. For me there's the interest of spotting seasonal flowers as they come into bloom: bluebells, violets, spring squill, tormentil, stitchwort, milkwort, lousewort; for Raki there's one big attraction: rabbits. Not that she catches them (or even sees them when I, with my more elevated sightline, do) but the scent and rustling sounds alert her and if they break cover she's off in fruitless chase.
Here she's flung herself down for a rest (ears still pricked) while I sample the spiciness of ground ivy and the sharpness of wood sorrel leaves before looping back in the direction of home.
Two days ago I heard my first cuckoo of the year hereabouts as it scouted out potential surrogacy nests, but not this afternoon.
Extra: ground ivy and wood sorrel
(No rabbits were harmed in the production of this blip.)
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