Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

Mirror reflections

Another beautiful day today! After yesterday's outing it was a quiet day at home today. Did the usual walk with Bonnie on the marsh this morning but went to a different part as had a hunch that the water would be like a mill pond. This particular section always has water even when the tide is out and on calm days you can get beautiful reflections like this! I love these pretty Shelducks, thanks to Picturepoems for the identification! I was hoping to watch the tide come in but it was about an hour away according to a few fishermen who were setting up their rods and equipment on the marsh.

Apart from doing some much needed weeding, have had a bit of a lazy day today. Even sat outside to have lunch and then again this afternoon for a cuppa! I spotted a bullfinch both times I sat out but the camera was in the house. Haven't seen one for a few years so am hoping to see it again. Perhaps I need to sit outside more often!

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