All Day, All Night In Technicolour, Soho, London

Went for my usual jaunt round Soho at lunchtime and stopped off at the Dog & Duck for a nice cold pint. The pub is really tiny and as all the tables were full (all of four in total and all very small) so I sat on a bar stool. Then something out of the ordinary happened - a total stranger started chatting away to me. He was a really friendly chap from Kirby near Liverpool. We talked football (he supported the Reds, I'm an Arsenal fan), jobs (he was a self employed builder and decorator/landscape gardener), Brexit (he was not a fan either), the price of beer (he couldn't believe how expensive it was down here) and holidays (he'd just come back from Benidorm). It was a really enjoyable half hour or so and he shook my hand as I got up to leave. Restored my faith in humanity after work related bother earlier in the day.
A little bit of a postscript is that William and Kate visited the self same pub  today (the 4th)! I saw him attempting to pour a pint. Let's just say he shouldn't give up the day job!
The main image was taken on the way back to work. I saw this artist spray painting this amazing mural and felt I just had to capture him in action. Luckily, the sun was out so it looked even more spectacular. The extra is of a Soho institution, Bar Italia.

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