On the Coronation route

This morning I decided to make a quick visit to Central London and walk along the Coronation Procession route. I walked from Green Park station to the Mall…to Trafalgar Square and then down Whitehall to Westminster Abbey. 
This is one of the many banners which are displayed down Whitehall and around Westminster Abbey. If you look you can see the flower symbols of the countries of the U.K. I think it’s a nice design.
There were so so many people around. Lots were tourists some in groups with a tour guide but also lots who were obviously from U.K. there were many people already camped out on the Mall with quite sophisticated tents etc…rather them than me! Banks of loos in St James Park! 
There were many TV crews interviewing campers..see one in extras.
Other extras show the Mall, Marble Arch and Trafalgar Square.

There were many less people on the South Bank where I had a quick lunch in Wahacca..a favourite Mexican restaurant. I was pleased I went early I imagine it will be even busier tomorrow.

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