
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

I must admit, I have kind of checked out already Kiwiwank-wise. 

Ironically, they are rearranging the deckchairs again and I'll be moving to another team next week. 

ALSO - I got notice today that an application to extend my contract with them just went in yesterday. I should feel a little bad about this but do not.

I didn't hear anything from Soni today but I appreciate the wheels often turn slowly. 

Nevertheless, I did send Briar a message saying, "I feel like a nervous young man after a date. Does Soni LIKE-like me? Or does she just like me?"

Briar's reply, "Relatable".*

Briar is, of course, one of the main reasons I want to return to the bosom of Kainga Ora**.

Another is Fazzy. She has been in South Africa for a month, finishing Ramadan and celebrating Eid-al-Fitr. I've texted her on and off over the last four weeks but tonight I caught her in the boarding lounge in Dubai. She was tired and bored and I think our chat helped keep her spirits up before that last long leg home.

ME: Are you sad to be leaving?

FAZZY: It was bittersweet. NZ is our home now. But I kept thinking of the line in the book you gave me...home is not a place, it's a feeling.

ME: I love that we met and became friends here. It's my home now too, because of you and your family.

ME: Maybe I will take you for Atheist Eid cake when you get back. 

FAZZY: How do you laugh and love a comment at the same time...? WhatsApp should look into that.

Our 15 minute text conversation took her onto the flight. "Someone should tell first class passengers that they get to the same place at the same time as the aaq⅙" said Fazzy. Adding, " of us."

"Oh my god what happened there?" I asked. "That was like a text-hiccup."

"We are finally boarding," replied Fazzy. "Also I am bitter. You can probably tell."

And with that I wished her a good flight and told her I loved her. I don't think she got that message, but she'll see it when she lands. 

I really do, you know. 

And even if I DON'T make it back to Kainga Ora, I know she and I will continue to laugh/love along together. 


* I am so glad I am not a young person dating anymore.

** I just hope I don't make a t*t of myself. See what I did there??

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