
Cant resist blossom when the trees are heavy with it!
Started the day with a lovely catch up with LC … much to chat about we’ll have to meet up again. Home and had another day of flitting between reading papers, phoning (or trying without response) various numbers at the hospital-only to eventually
find they’d already discharged P, and finishing getting my bike set up. I took it to the local bike shop in the end and with a lot of brute force and using a screwdriver to lever they got the battery out. Riding it back from the shop was lovely…. Couldn’t work out how to turn on the ‘walk’ function when I got home though, so had to wrestle/carry it up the stairs. Won’t be doing that again!
Phone call with SM about the new committee then collected S from the station and we had a leftovers supper then she went to the ballet and I did some packing. Can’t quite believe we’re off to Orkney tomorrow!

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